Medicine Buddha Mantra Marathon

On this day White Clouds and Tibet House will open their doors to everyone who is not indifferent to troubles and sufferings of sick people and emotional pain of those who are going through such difficult time together with them.

We were inspired to begin Medicine Buddha Marathon by hearts of the persons who devote themselves to care and service to humanity, such as Mother Teresa, Jean Henri Dunant, Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama.

Each of them is a living example of genuine compassion and love. Together with Lama Ngawang Riglam, the Tibetan meditation teacher, we'll take Medicine Buddha healing practice and dedicate merits to longevity and health of all living beings.

Chanting the Medicine Buddha Mantra, meditation and wishes of the good and health to all people is a part of this wonderful practice. Souvenirs, tea and sweets are waiting for you.


Starts at 11:00 to 21:00

Admission is free.

Cultural Center "White Clouds"
Pokrovka 4, Moscow, Russia
Tel.: 8 (495) 6234969

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